Systematic Literature Review on EEG-based BCI Applications
Kaido Värbu
Electroencephalography (EEG)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) is a system that provides pathway between the brain and external device via interpreting EEG. EEG-based BCI applications have been initially developed for medical reasons such as enbling patients in completely locked-in state to communicate and rehabilitation of stroke patients. Nowadays EEG-based BCI applications gain increasing significance also in the non-medical domain, where applications are being developed also in order to enable healthy persons to be more efficient, collaborate, develop themselves and much more. The applications in non-medical domain include for example applications for smart home control, monitoring concentration, live brain-computer cinema performance and gaming. The objective of the work is to give systematic overview on the literature on EEG-based BCI applications from the period of 2009 until 2019. In the study the trends in the research have been analyzed. The distribution of the research between medical and non-medical domain has been reviewed and further categorization into fields of research within the domains. In the study also, the equipment used for gathering EEG data and signal processing methods have been reviewed. The systematic literature review has been prepared following the PRISMA model. During the process three well known databases PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science were selected to conduct the publication search. After the initial result, duplicate publications were removed and unique publications further screened and assessed for eligibility. After assessment 202 eligible publications were included in the final analysis. The overall number of articles and conference proceedings has been increasing throughout the years. The amount of research is increasing faster within non-medical domain in comparison to medical domain. The majority of the research has been done in Asia with China contributing the highest number of publications throughout the years. In the study also the overview of the distribution of the EEG based BCI applications among different domains and fields has been given together with techniques and devices used. In the last part of the study current challenges in the field and possibilities for the future have been analyzed.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Yar Muhammad, Naveed Muhammad
Defence year