Large RDF Graph Processing on Top of Spark

Sadig Eyvazov
In recent years, we have witnessed an uncontrollable growth of data generated by machines or humans. Big Data is a term used to indicate data-related challenges. Although several challenges have been identified for big data, main ones remain volume, velocity, and variety. Volume is related to the large quantity of data. Velocity is related to the high rates at which the data is generated and processed. Last but not least, the variety is related to the presence of multiple data formats. Although there are many solutions to handle the data variety issue, the most popular one is the RDF (Resource Description Framework) data model. RDF is a W3C standard for Semantic Web, and many web applications are built on top of the RDF data model using a SPARQL query language. Thus, RDF data's continuous growth leads to investigate how to handle large RDF datasets in a distributed environment. Apache Spark is a modern, high-performance big data engine for processing vast amounts of data in a distributed environment. Big data systems like Apache Spark are not tailored for dealing with RDF data models; however, they have an excellent performance for large-scale relational data processing. Therefore, we implement the SPARQL queries over RDF data using Spark-SQL.
In this thesis, we use existing relational approaches for storing RDF data in Spark DataFrame data abstraction. We present a systematic performance evaluation of the Spark-SQL engine for processing SPARQL queries on the SP2Bench benchmark. In particular, we used three relevant relational schemes, two storage backends, and several file formats. We have also applied three different partitioning techniques to see how it affects the Spark-SQL query execution performance. Finally, a major contribution of this thesis is an advanced analysis of experimental results and a discussion about the impact of each dimension (i.e. relational schema, partitioning technique, storage backend) on the performance of the query execution process in the distributed environment of Spark.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Riccardo Tommasini, Mohammed Ragab
Defence year