DevOps and Its Applicability Study in North Estonia Medical Centre

Siim-Morten Ojasalu
DevOps is still quite new compared to other software development methods. It was created in order to avoid the past mistakes of other procedures, which is why DevOps has evolved into one of the most popular and effective methodologies. It is used by many large technology companies around the world. The aim of this thesis is to study the theoretical side of DevOps - describe its nature and the use in a company and then create a possible solution for integrating the respective methodology into the IT service of the North Estonia Medical Centre. Therefore, the author prepares an analysis of the current situation of the IT service, highlights the current problems and assesses how DevOps could be useful in the environment. Finally, the author draws up a plan for step-by-step integration of DevOps into the IT service.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Pelle Jakovits
Defence year