Reinforcement Stirrups Drawing Web Application for Eesti Traat

Anneli Klamas
Customers of Eesti Traat often send drawing of the stirrups made by hand. These drawings are not always accurate, which can lead to time and monetary losses if the wrong ones are produced due to the misunderstandings. In response to the above problems, it is possible to find different software solutions. But existing applications can have expensive licensing, require training and specialized technical knowledge, include functionalities not required for the specific purpose, or do not make drawings with right proportions. The result of this thesis is a web application for drawing and sending price inquiries of the standard and custom reinforcement stirrups. Logged in moderators and admins can change the information about price and wires. Admins can also add and delete users. During the development Bootstrap 4, FabricJs, Spring and Vectr were used.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Manuel Alejandro Camargo Chávez
Defence year