Exploring Prescriptive Process Mining and Visualisation

Andrew James David Bennett
Process mining is a modern field and fundamentally is involved with the analysis of event logs and the results subsequent to such an event log. Even newer is the inception of prescriptive process mining, whereby recommendations are derived via machine learning methods which originate from process mining logs. Visualising modern innovations in business and technology can be challenging to ensure that standards and users’ needs are met. Thus this thesis analyses the visualisations drawn from prescriptive process mining and how it may be possible to build a guideline in the format of a dashboard to support case workers with ongoing work utilising the power of prescriptive recommendations. This can provide a base design which can be used across a variety of industries or organisational settings to support case workers completing their day to day tasks while utilising the power of prescriptive recommendations derived from process mining.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Innovation and Technology Management
Fredrik Milani and Alexander Nolte
Defence year
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