Automation of Analysis of the Implementation of Additional Risk Minimization Measures for Medicinal Products

Raili Jäe
This study has been carried out based on a 10% random sample of data from three Estonian national health databases (Retseptikeskus, Eesti Haigekassa andmekogu, Digilugu) in the period 2012-2019. The data used in the study have been previously transferred to the OMOP CDM common database model. In this study the analysis of how healthcare professionals implement additional risk minimization measures for medicinal products was carried out, the analysis methodology has been supplemented and specified, and the analysis was realized as a reproducible code in R Markdown document on the example of agomelatine so that similar analyzes of the implementation of additional risk minimization measures for medicinal products could be performed. The results of the study showed that all liver function tests (one test before treatment and 4 tests during treatment) as part of additional risk minimization measures were performed in 2% of patients treated for more than 180 days. At least one liver function measurement test was performed on 56% of all agomelatine patients before or during treatment.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Sulev Reisberg, Sirli Tamm
Defence year
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