A Dynamic Automated Scheduling Process for Manufacturing

Morten Paluteder
The basis for this thesis is the creation of a manufacturing module for Astro Baltics business software Noom and the focus is on the manufacturing scheduling part of the module. One of the central processes in manufacturing enterprises is scheduling which handles resource allocation to customer orders, enables monitoring of these orders, displays and calculates information about the orders and manages the general manufacturing process. The issues pertaining to an implementation of a scheduling process have been identified by Astro Baltics customers, who have prior experience with other manufacturing softwares. In this thesis a manufacturing scheduling solution is explored and implemented that could automatically employ user-inputted data such as working times and dynamically calculate the scheduling plan from the given data. Finally, numerical results are derived and analysed to judge the feasibility of the process.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Stefania Tomasiello, Arli Rosenthal
Defence year