Analysis if Centralised Clearance in Automated Export System

Carmen Akkermann
This thesis aims to describe the functionality of centralised clearance in Estonia’s Auto-mated Export System by creating use case diagrams and statecharts. Use case diagrams were made using Visual Paradigm programme. For statecharts, Yakindu, a plugin for Eclipse, was used. The analysis is mainly based on „Design Document for National Export Application“ and meetings that were held with the client, Estonian Tax and Customs Board. As a result, seven use case diagrams were created and described, as well as a statechart, including a substatechart, and a new state was added to an existing sta-techart. These will be used in the next stages of the software development process for writing use cases and creating tasks for programmers to realize the system.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Arne Ansper, Helle Hein
Defence year