Motivation for Admission of Computer Science Students
Sarah Lannes
The main goal of this bachelor's thesis was to study the motivation of students to enter computer science curricula, taking into account the student's gender, the condition of admission and the different years of the students. A survey was conducted on the subject "Introduction to Speciality" to collect the data, whose target group is first-year informatics students. The study found that female students rated time for family, demanding work and social status higher than male students. In contrast, the intrinsic value was rated higher by men than women. Among the candidates for the MOOC, the intrinsic value and satisfaction with the choice of speciality were rated higher than among the candidates in other admission conditions. In contrast, students who applied under other conditions rated social pressure higher than students who applied through the MOOC. It was also found that students who participated in the 2018 survey rated the utility value higher than those in 2019. The demanding work was rated higher among those who entered in 2020 than in 2019.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Reelika Suviste, Merilin Säde
Defence year