User Interface Development for the Estonian Land Board’s Address Search Component’s Code Generator

Sander Ruusmaa
This thesis describes the knowledge of a brief research of the Estonian Land Board’s Address Data System (ADS) and its ecosystem, in which the address search component (In-ADS) and its specific code generator resides. A brief overview is given about the aforementioned system and its components. Additionally, an overview is given about the used technologies during development. The main goal of this thesis is to update the already existing address search component’s code generator, which a developer can use to conveniently create an In-ADS component without writing a single line of code. Furthermore, this thesis gives an overview of the already existing code generator and thereafter of the updated code generator. The advantages of the updated user interface will be described with regards to the old one.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Vambola Leping
Defence year