Troubleshooters for the Course „Introduction to Databases“ at the University of Tartu
Karolin Kivilaan
„Introduction to Databases“ is a course at the University of Tartu. The target group is the students, who are not learning curricula offered by the Institute of Computer Science. The course focuses on teaching Structured Query Language and in addition to the in-class communication, the course uses asynchronous communication. Those aspects might cause different problems and the students might need help while solving exercises. The purpose of this Bachelor thesis was to create helpful troubleshooters for this course. A troubleshooter is a set of hints meant to give clues to help the student overcome the most common problematic parts of the exercise. Forum posts and students' individual exercises were analyzed for creating troubleshooters. Interviews with course supervisors were conducted for finding the most common problems. Feedback for created study materials was collected from students who attended the course and course supervisors. Five troubleshooters were created for five practical exercises.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Piret Luik, Marina Lepp
Defence year