Creation of the “Back to the Office” Cyber Hygiene Course for the DeLRAP Platform

Tauno Tamm
Cyberspace around us is in continuous evolution. The widespread use of digital technologies has created a growing necessity for improved cyber awareness. Furthermore, the expectations of residents in this interactive digital society are increasing in regards to graspable learning materials, putting emphasis on education through practical examples and cases. The goal of the thesis at hand was to create a cyber hygiene module for CybExer Academy's DeLRAP platform, themed "Back To The Office", which consists of 14 quiz questions, 25 practical cases with explanatory study material and 12 exam questions. The module focuses on raising the trainee's cyber awareness as well as assessing their risks in the context of both regular office and home office environments. The content of the new module was created by analysing recent cyber incidents, using the Estonian Information Security Standard version 2021 as a guideline and mapping out client needs through an thorough survey. The written part of the thesis covers analyzed reference sources and the methodologies used to create new quiz questions and study material cases.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Alo Peets, Lauri Almann
Defence year