Creating Homework Assignments and Troubleshooters for “Introduction to Programming” Course

Taniel Saarevet
“Introduction to Programming” is an English introductory programming course at University of Tartu, which is taken by nearly 200 students each year, many of them have different backgrounds and experience levels. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to create new homework assignments and troubleshooters for the aforementioned course. Creating new homework makes the content of the assignments more modern and prevents the spread of solutions, as a result of which students might not be solving homework exercises themselves. Troubleshooters are question based assistance tools that try to identify learner’s problem and provide a solution. A total of 15 homework exercises and troubleshooters were created for the eight topics in the “Introduction to Programming” course. In addition, the supervisors were asked for feedback on the prepared materials, and the answers were analysed and materials corrected. The feedback revealed that the tasks were of the appropriate level of difficulty, had clear directions and addressed the important topics. Troubleshooters considered all possible sticking points and gave tips to surpass them without giving fully away the solutions.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Marina Lepp, Reelika Suviste
Defence year