Financial Metrics Dashboard in the Example of Tallinn University of Technology

Kaja Jakobson
The aim of the Master's thesis was to create a financial metrics dashboard for Tallinn University of Technology. The need for analysing and visualising different data has grown exponentially, and the related parties of the University have long needed a corres-ponding solution. The dashboard enables data-based management decisions, automates and digitises work processes. Data analysis and visualization software MS Power BI was used to create the financial metrics dashboard.
The master's thesis framework was formed by completing different stages of Double Diamond Process development method. The thesis consists of collecting requirements from related parties, validating and prioritizing financial metrics with analytical methods called Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and MoSCoW. Based on the results, Minimum Viable Product (MVP) of the financial metrics dashboard was created and assessed according to the previously set requirements and functionality. The thesis describes the recommended next steps in developing the financial metrics dashboard based on the background information collected and the needs of the users.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Maarja Pajusalu; Kärt Rõigas
Defence year