Ulike - Tell Me which Videos You Like, and I will Tell You with whom You Match

Ramazan Suleymanli
In recent years, matchmaking applications have seen an enormous rise in popularity.
In order to pair people, these applications use geolocation, users' online activity,
preferences and interests. Most of these applications that match people based on
interests use questionnaires to extract user data (interests). On the other hand,
specific interest (music) based matchmaking applications use users' data on music
platforms to extract their interests. In this thesis, we present Ulike, a matchmaking
application which explores individuals' interests based on videos they like. We
describe the design and implementation of Ulike. The application differs from existing matchmaking applications in extensively exploiting the video-based homophil.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Rajesh Sharma
Defence year