From Information Systems Development Need to Solution - Analysis of the Requirements for Tools to Support the Development Process, on the Example of the Ministry of Defence’s Area of Government

Teo Niklus
The master's thesis aims to identify the requirements of tools that support the development process of information systems within the governance area of the Ministry of Defence, in order to provide the most suitable software solutions. This involves identifying life cycle models that are suitable for describing the information technology development process within the governance area of the Ministry of Defence, providing an overview of the organization and work processes, and mapping the tools used based on the activities of the life cycle model. The research uses interviews and document analysis. Based on the data obtained, problem analysis is conducted, constraints are identified, and requirements for tools are presented. A commercial off-the-shelf software evaluation model is compiled. The thesis identifies two main development platforms, and based on the assessment of their compliance with the requirements, a more suitable one is recommended for further use.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Kuldar Taveter, Kersti Karuse-Veebel
Defence year