Automation of Organizational Activities and Analysis of Learner Experience for the Course "Introduction to Speciality"

Anette Habanen
The aim of this Bachelor's thesis was to write scripts for the course "Introduction to Specialty" that would automate and speed up organizational activities for supervisors. These scripts generate files that can be uploaded to Moodle to record student attendance, assign points for tasks, group students, and analyze student feedback. Additionally, the students' learning experience was examined. It was discovered that lectures, seminars, and a daily self-management task have a positive correlation with the final score that students receive in this course. A positive correlation was also found between lectures and the points students received for the final test. Additionally, mood and energy levels do not affect students' lecture attendance. The number of friends a student has was monitored, and it was found that this number either increased or stayed the same. Since there are fewer women in the field of computer science, the learning experience and outcomes of female students were examined. It was found that in this course, the final score of female students was higher than that of male students, and their sense of belonging was the same as that of male students.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Mirjam Paales
Defence year