Developing a Front-end Application for the DeepMOOC Platform with SvelteKit

Cardo Tisler
DeepMOOC is a platform that is currently in the development stage. The aim of the platform is to become an environment for automatically testing code and grading the code written for assignments. It is meant for both students and lecturers. The need for a platform like this stems from the fact that the current solution, Virtual Programming Lab, used in University of Tartu, has limited support for different programming languages and is missing functionalities that would benefit both students in learning new material and lecturers in their teaching. The goal for the new platform is to eliminate the aforementioned limitations and provide different tools to enable programming courses to be carried out effectively. The objective of this thesis is to create a front-end application for the platform, which will communicate with back-end in the future.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Ahti Põder, Tõnis Hendrik Hlebnikov
Defence year