Data-Driven Process Analysis: Case Study of Labour Market Training Using Process Mining

Triin Kraavi
Process mining is a data-driven technique that enables discovering, monitoring, and improving business processes. Process mining uses event log data stored in IT systems during business process execution. The objective of this Master Thesis was to conduct data-driven process analysis to identify improvement opportunities using process mining methodology. Using labour market training data, a case study was conducted in Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund. Process Mining Project Methodology was used as a framework for this case study. Research questions were raised in the planning phase of the process mining project. The next phases were data extraction, processing, and event log creation. Apromore Enterprise Edition software was used for process mining. After the analysis and validation of results, suggestions for labour market training process improvement and further research were presented.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Fredrik Milani
Defence year