Analysis of the Course „Introduction to Databases“ Projects

Anette Evisalu
This bachelor's thesis analyzed the projects made by the participants of the course "Introduction to Databases” (MTAT.03.105) at the University of Tartu. In this paper, the course structure and various aspects of project-based learning are described. The aim of the research was to determine the most common mistakes of the projects created by the participants of the 2022 course and topics that need extra attention. Based on results, the author gives feedback to the course organizers which is aimed at improving and conducting the course. During the study, it was discovered that no statistically significant differences existed between the results of the projects conducted individually and in pairs. However, paired projects were found to be more complex considering many-to-many relationships and the number of entity types. The participants of the course were asked for feedback on the stage of making the project. On the basis of this information, conclusions have been drawn to support the study.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Piret Luik
Defence year