Web Application for Studying Programming at the Second and Third School Level

Kristiina Keps
Teaching programming in basic schools would assist in leading more young people toward the information technology sector and benefit the students as well. The pupils are interested in learning programming, but currently, there are no suitable study materials in Estonian for this age group. This master’s thesis aimed to create a digital programming study material for the students of the second and third school level that allows them to study programming independently. The study materials were developed using the ADDIE model. During the first stage of the model, the need for a new study material was analyzed and some research was carried out about teaching programming and creating study materials. In the design phase, the learning outcomes were defined along with the structure of the study material. The third phase focused on developing the study material, using the Angular framework, which allowed flexibility in designing interactive components. The study material is available on progema.ee. Finally, teachers and students gave their opinion of the study material, based on which the material was improved and assessed. The feedback was also used to map out possible further plans for the study material.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Marina Lepp
Defence year