Creating a Dataset for the Chat Agent ProgVestlus in the Course "Programming"

Maike Kadaja
At the University of Tartu, troubleshooters are used in courses to answer frequently asked questions related to students' homework. However, the process of creating troubleshooters is troublesome, and as an alternative, the leaders of the "Programming" course came up with the idea of using artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has been used in education since the 1970s and has been under greater attention in recent years. One of the most popular types of artificial intelligence is the chatbot. The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to create a data- base for the new chat agent ProgVestlus, so that it could be used to help students in the "Programming" course. For this purpose, the homework and study materials of the course "Programming" were analyzed and answers, hints and explanations of terms were created for the questions that could potentially arise for the 13 weeks of homework. In addition, the most famous and current chatbots and their classification and design techniques were described.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Tauno Palts, Reimo Palm
Defence year