The Migration of an Administrative Application’s User Interface from Thymeleaf to Angular

Markus Kikkatalo
This thesis explores the process of migrating a legacy system to a modern architecture using Angular and Spring Boot frameworks, with the aim of enhancing maintainability, scalability, and developer experience. The migration involved analysing the previous system, refactoring the code, and employing the Cypress framework to ensure quality testing. Although the migration successfully improved code quality and developer experience, it resulted in longer initial load times for the user interface due to the complexity of the Angular application. In conclusion, this paper serves as a successful case study of migrating legacy systems to modern architectures and highlights both the challenges and benefits of such an endeavour. The results demonstrate that contemporary frameworks like Angular, Cypress and Spring Boot can significantly improve legacy systems' quality and maintainability, but careful planning during the development process is essential.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Vimal Kumar Dwivedi
Defence year