Quantum Computing in the Financial Sector

Marta Napa
In recent years, quantum computing has become an emerging technology and is being explored in regard to how it can disrupt industries. One industry that quantum computing could have an impact on is the financial industry. However, the currently available literature lacks a clear overview of the use cases for finance. Therefore the thesis explores the potential use cases of quantum computing in the financial industry, how such use cases could impact financial products and services, their potential value, and the challenges in implementing them. The qualitative survey method will be followed to find the answers to the stated research questions. Semi-structured, recorded, and transcribed interviews will be conducted with industry specialists. The method consists of a literature review, interview preparation, data collection, and data analysis (thematic analysis). As a result, the thesis provides a framework summarizing the potential use cases, their impact on financial services, and their value for the industry. The thesis aims to contribute to raising awareness of the potential of quantum computing and make it understandable for industry specialists how the technology could impact their companies. The contribution can be beneficial for professionals working in research and development departments of financial institutions or exploring new technologies to solve business problems.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Fredrik Milani
Defence year