Creating a Website for Estonian Veterinary Students Association

Allar Kalina
This bachelor’s thesis aims to create a new website for the Estonian Veterinary Students Association. Furthermore, the website will be connected to a Headless CMS, which allows the members of the association to manage the website content. The association's purpose is to enhance student life and introduce the veterinarian profession to general education pupils. The new website would provide a central environment for the association to showcase its activities. The completed solution is based on the Jamstack architecture, where websites are statically generated using Static Site Generators (SSG), static files are hosted in Content Delivery Networks (CDN), and the content itself is separated from the website’s user interface. The paper describes all parts of the architecture, justifies the use of technologies according to requirements and architecture, and analyzes the final website.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Vambola Leping
Defence year