Modification of the Automated Assessment Tests of the “Computer Programming” Course at the University of Tartu and Migration to Environment

Joosep Albre
The number of students enrolled in the University of Tartu course “Computer Programming” is growing rapidly, thus increasing the workload of course staff in the form of assignment assessing. In order to simplify the management of the assignments and assessments, new automated assessment tests were created as a result of the thesis. environment’s new Test Specific Language (TSL) option of defining automated assessment tests was used for accomplishing this. This creation process was the first large-scale use of automated assignment tests defined in TSL and gave important insight into the functionality and readiness of the feature. Thesis also provides an overview of why task solving is important and how automated assessment tests can support the process of learning and teaching of programming.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Tauno Palts
Defence year