Data Processing and Visualization of the ProgeTiiger Application Round on an Interactive Map

Raiko Kittus
ProgeTiiger is an Estonian educational program that supports the advancement of technol-ogy education in schools and kindergartens by organizing an annual application round, during which funding is distributed among schools. The goal of this bachelor's thesis is to create a web application that visualizes ProgeTiiger equipment applications data on an in-teractive map of Estonia, providing users with a better understanding of the allocation of funds and their impact on schools and kindergartens. The completed work encompasses the analysis of ProgeTiiger equipment application round data, the identification and organ-ization of information of significant importance, the research of suitable text processing and technical solutions, and a description of the visualization process and the completed web application.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Alo Peets
Defence year