Web 3.0 in the Financial Industry

Adil Shirinov
Every day we see new technologies emerge that have experts thinking about how effective this technology is going to be and what use cases it is going to have. The financial sector is not an exception, and many experts in this area constantly search for ways to use a newly emerged technology for the good. Web 3.0 is one of these technologies and there are many arguments about it but not enough documented material for how it could be used to benefit the industry, how it is going to disrupt the processes in the financial industry, and what challenges this all has. Thus, to fill this information gap and to explore this technology and its use cases, we will conduct qualitative surveys in the form of interviews with people with experience in Web 3.0 and knowledge of the financial industry and analyze how Web 3.0 will bring value to the industry. In this thesis,I describe the exact process of this qualitative study we conducted, present the results obtained from the interviews with field experts showing the specific areas and use cases of how Web3.0 is planned to be used in the future, the value it brings, and the challenges that could be faced, and based on these interviews I discuss other possibilities and ways to use Web 3.0 to bring value to financial industries. Eventually, this document can be used by other researchers and experts as a guide and a source of quality information on how Web 3.0 can be used by organizations in the financial industry and what is the current state with it.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Fredrik Payman Milani
Defence year