Towards Privacy- and Security-Aware Framework for AI Ethics

Daria Korobenko
As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, bringing forth more benefits, so does the general unease surrounding the privacy and security of AI-enabled systems. The question of how the development of AI can be controlled on both jurisdictional and organizational levels arises in today’s discourse more often than ever. While on the governmental level the European Parliament and Council reached a political agreement on EU AI Act, the world’s first comprehensive AI law, organizations still find it challenging to adapt to the fast-evolving AI landscape and lack a universal tool for evaluating privacy and security aspects of their AI models. In response to this, a systematic literature review (SLR) was conducted spanning from 2020 to 2023, aimed at establishing a unified definition of key concepts in AI Ethics, with a particular emphasis on the domains of privacy and security. By synthesizing relevant knowledge from SLR, this study provides a privacy- and security-aware framework for AI Ethics, which is designed to aid a range of stakeholders, including organizations, academic institutions, and governmental bodies, in both developing and critically assessing AI systems. In addition, the study unravels the key issues and challenges concerning privacy and security of AI, and outlines avenues for future research.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Innovation and Technology Management
Anastasija Nikiforova, Rajesh Sharma
Defence year