Remotely Managed Monitoring Device Based on ESP32

Enn Ehrlich
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the use of parcel machines has increased significantly in Europe and Estonia. The company that maintains the equipment has developed a need for access to the client's equipment in the event of power outages and communications outages. The aim of the thesis is to design and build a remote management device that enables it. The resulting device is created on the ESP32 System on Chip and uses a mobile connection according to the GPRS standard. The device uses a DHT 22 sensor to measure temperature and humidity. The alternating current, voltage and power network frequency are measured with the Peacefair PZEM-004T device. The resulting data shall be accompanied by a time stamp from a hardware real-time clock and transmitted to the central server via an encrypted MQTT protocol. To control the client's devices, the device has two output relays. In the absence of connection to the central server, the data is stored on the MicroSD card. The internal UPS of the device ensures autonomous operation within 10 hours. The ESP32 microcontroller firmware source code is written in C-language.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Alo Peets
Defence year