Analysis of the Learning Outcomes in the Course "Databases" in Different Aspects

Jaagup Tamme
The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to investigate how the background of the students and their selected practicum group are related to the learning outcomes in the University of Tartus course LTAT.03.004 “Databases”. The sample contained all the participants of the course in the 2022/2023. academic year’s spring semester. The learning outcomes were analyzed in the courses’ five evaluable categories and in terms of total points earned in the course. Differences were found between face-to-face and distance learning practicum groups results, based on the compulsoriness of the course and between the results of informatics bachelor students and students from other curricula. Based on the prior knowledge of the query language SQL, no differences were found in any evaluable category.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Piret Luik
Defence year