Development of a Web-Based Linux Command-Line Learning Environment
Taavi Eistre
Linux and its command line are one of the main topics of the University of Tartu courses “Operating Systems” and “Computer Security”. In order to improve the ways of teaching Linux, Joonas Halapuu created a web-based Linux command-line learning environment prototype as part of his bachelor’s thesis in 2022. This prototype was used in the courses for a duration of two years. Several concerns about the stability and the need for further development of the learning environment emerged during its use. The aim of this thesis was to further develop, improve and migrate the existing environment to cloud technology to ensure better stability, scalability and accessibility.
The thesis describes the shortcomings and potential enhancements of the previous environment, the requirements and objectives of the new application, the technologies used, the completed application and the results of testing the application in a cloud-based environment. The web-based Linux learning environment developed as part of the thesis can be found and used in Estonian or English at
The thesis describes the shortcomings and potential enhancements of the previous environment, the requirements and objectives of the new application, the technologies used, the completed application and the results of testing the application in a cloud-based environment. The web-based Linux learning environment developed as part of the thesis can be found and used in Estonian or English at
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Alo Peets
Defence year