Developing an E-commerce Platform for the Estonian Market

Martin Hans Keskküla
In response to the shortage of e-commerce platforms catering to Estonia, this thesis presents the development of a proof-of-concept solution aimed at providing comprehensive support to users. Prior to platform development, an investigation into the primary competitors in the market was conducted, elucidating the essential features desired by users. The resultant platform encompasses all necessary functionalities, striving to offer a holistic solution. A similar competitor, ShopRoller, was identified within the Estonian market, showcasing similarities in appearance yet lacking certain features present in the developed platform. While the developed application boasts greater feature completeness, it is noted to be less mature in terms of user experience (UX). User testing revealed a preference for enhanced user-friendliness, indicating potential adoption if such improvements were implemented.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Mohamad Gharib
Defence year