Designing and Implementing a Bird’s-eye View Interface for a Self-driving Vehicle’s Teleoperation System

Rauno Põlluäär
Autonomous vehicles and self-driving technology have big potential to transform the current transportation system by lessening accidents and optimising traffic flow. In urban environments many difficult situations may occur, which the self-driving technology cannot handle on its own. In these circumstances, a remote human operator may take control of the vehicle via a teleoperation system. To navigate the vehicle through these situations, the operator needs a good overview of the vehicle's surroundings, which can be achieved by a multi angle 360 degree view or a bird’s-eye view. At the University of Tartu, the Autonomous Driving Lab is developing a self-driving vehicle, which currently lacks a multi angle or bird’s-eye view interface for teleoperation.
The goal of this thesis is to develop a prototype interface that would give the teleoperator a better situational awareness of the car's surroundings. The interface is created using RViz and other ROS (Robot Operating System) capabilities and packages.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Software Engineering
Karl Kruusamäe
Defence year