Study on GitOps Paradigms

Kyrylo Riazantsev
GitOps is a recently emerged concept that became popular due to the rise of DevOps methodology and a constant software development struggle to improve deployments and ensure their reliability. It offers an approach that utilizes Infrastructure as a Code and Git as a version control system to ensure that the state of an application and infrastructure always matches the one described in the Git repository (e.g., repository as a source of truth). There are two main ways to do GitOps: pull-based, in which an operator checks for updates in a Git repository, ensuring that the target matches the desired state, and push-based, which states that Git should notify the GitOps system about updates.
This thesis focuses on describing GitOps at its core, explaining why the above two
paradigms were extracted from its implementation and going into detail about the
principles of their work. It also proposes a prototypical implementation of both paradigms to measure their performance under various scenarios. It analyzes these measurements using the queueing theory model as a theoretical framework.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Bruno Rucy Carneiro Alves De Lima
Defence year