Security Risk Management in Teleoperated Driving

Nataliia Pabat
Teleoperated driving technology allows setting apart human operators from the physical automobile and still effectively controlling it remotely, decreasing dependence on the physical presence of the driver inside the vehicle. However, with a constant focus on the safety of this process, security risks may be overlooked. The primary goal of this report is to analyse the Teleoperated Driving System (TDS) and the data used inside this system, conduct a security risk management assessment, and propose risk mitigation and countermeasures for these security risks.
We conducted the literature review, including determining the detailed TDS architecture (assets and their interconnections), defining potential security risks, and proposing possible countermeasures based on the literature review results. Next, a fine-grained analysis of TDS and the teleoperation establishment process is performed. The system assets, business assets, and connections were analysed using a security risk management approach and ISSRM diagram to identify security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Further, security requirements and controls were defined to mitigate the identified security risks.
We validated our findings with expert feedback and the threat analysis tool. The validation helps to explain the feasibility and correctness of the proposed security risk management strategy validated by the tool for threat analysis in the automotive domain and approved by experts in the teleoperation and security domain.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Innovation and Technology Management
Raimundas Matulevičius, Abasi-amefon Obot Affia
Defence year