Comprehensive Survey of Smart Home Technologies

Aleksandra Sergeeva
Smart home technologies integrate advanced computational and networking capabilities into everyday household environments, enhancing convenience, security, and energy management. These systems utilize a variety of communication protocols and platforms, ranging from proprietary systems developed by major tech companies to open-source solutions created by global communities. This study addresses the need for a thorough understanding of the current landscape and capabilities of various smart home platforms, which are critical in the transition towards more intelligent living environments. A detailed comparative analysis of twelve major smart home platforms is shown in this thesis. While many systems offer robust solutions, there is considerable variation in their adaptability, security features, and ease of use, which were previously underappreciated in the literature. This thesis enhances our understanding of how different platforms can cater to diverse user needs and technical requirements, challenging the one-size-fits-all approach often assumed in smart home technology. By mapping out the strengths and limitations of each system, this research contributes to a more nuanced view of smart home technology as a complex yet promising field. The insights gained here provide a foundation for consumers, developers, and researchers to make informed decisions about smart home technologies, fostering smarter, more efficient home environments. This broader perspective highlights the significance of customized technological solutions in striking a balance between user-focused design and technological evolution, which will be useful for developing other groundbreaking concepts in the smart home industry.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Chinmaya Kumar Dehury
Defence year