Automated Grading System: The DevOps Course Use Case

Mihkel Hani
Automated grading systems (henceforth referred to as AGS), have the goal of automating repetitive tasks, like grading homeworks. Using an AGS helps save time on the grading process and increase consistency in the feedbacks.
The goal of this thesis is to create an automated grading system, that supports creating new automated tests, for the University of Tartu's course "DevOps: Automating Software Delivery and Operations" (LTAT.06.015), where homeworks are usually presented in the form of information technology (IT) systems. The job of the automated grading system is to use these tests to give immediate feedback to the students' work, with minimal teacher intervention.
As of the current moment (May 2024), grading in the course in question is being done manually by analysing and giving feedback to screenshots, texts, program snippets and IT systems. This creates a problem, where grading each homework manually consumes a lot of time.
The created system automatically grades all the homeworks in the course in question by using prewritten tests. The problem is solved, since every test has to be written once and thereafter the system will use them to independently check if the homeworks are solved correctly or not. Additionally to the fact that the system can automatically grade the students' solutions, it does it a lot faster than a human.
To present the solution, an example: if originally it took around 5-10 minutes to grade the 1st homework by hand, then the newly created system can do it in seconds.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Chinmaya Kumar Dehury
Defence year