Creating Introductory Teaching Materials for the Course "Creating WWW Pages"

Vanda Pakina
The goal of the bachelor's thesis was to create new learning materials for the University of Tartu course "Creating WWW Pages" to cover weeks 1 to 4. The research questions addressed how to create more attractive and supportive learning materials, and how students assess the new materials. The development of learning materials followed the ADDIE model and the Revised Bloom's taxonomy. The first stage of the ADDIE model involved analyzing existing learning materials and setting objectives. In the second stage, the structure of the learning materials was determined, along with the selection of methods and environment. The third stage involved the development of new learning materials. The fourth stage was not applicable, and in the final stage, feedback on the learning materials was collected. Feedback on the new learning materials was positive. Students found the new materials clear, well-structured, and useful.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Lidia Feklistova
Defence year