Further Work on a Causally Consistent Reversible Debugger for MPI Applications

Mihkel Tiks
Reversible debuggers, which enable users to move backwards through the code they are debugging, can help users better find issues within their code. The feature of reversibility can be even more useful in the case of debugging distributed programs, since they may include intermittent problems, such as race conditions and deadlocks. The debugger created here is focused on compatibility with MPI (Message Parsing Interface), which is the current standard for parallel computation. Reversibility is implemented in the Linux environment using checkpoint and restore methods in userspace. This thesis gives an overview of checkpoint and restoration software and options for this use case, and further develops the previous work of
Martens titled “Causally Consistent Reversible Debugger for MPI Applications”.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Stefan Hermann Kuhn
Defence year