DJI Consumer Drone Detector Based on Digital Signal Processing Techniques

Olaf Daniel Seisler
In recent years, there has been a tremendous rise in usage of civilian drones in criminal activity and armed conflict. The war in Ukraine has seen the widespread usage of commercial drones in warfare where they fly both reconnaissance and strike missions with improvised payloads. The largest manufacturer of such commercial drones is the China-based company DJI. DJI–produced drones are detectable by their radio emissions by specialist hardware which is expensive and often cumbersome. This bachelor’s thesis attempts to create a means of early warning against drones by using cheap Software Defined Radio (SDR) and digital signal processing (DSP) to detect drone signals. A brief overview of SDR and DSP is given. Past methods of detecting DJI drones are described including findings about the DJI proprietary communication protocols. A DJI drone’s signals are recorded and the resulting recordings are analyzed. Based on the data, a DSP application is devised to detect the drone’s radio downlink. The application is tested in both simulated and real-world environments.
Finally, possible optimizations and further improvements to the system are discussed.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Jaanus Kalde, Kadi Tulver
Defence year