Converting Tests from Text Document to Structural Shape

Tobias Reiter
The main aim of this Bachelor's thesis is to create a web application for the University of Tartu. The use of multiple choice tests is widespread in e-learning, but the variety of these formats and their specific applications make it difficult for them to co-create and re-use across different environments. The system allows you to upload a Microsoft Word file that can be created jointly in Google Drive or MS Online environments. After uploading, the result will be returned in the selected output format, which can be uploaded to the relevant study environment - Moodle or Coursera, in the case of the University of Tartu. This Bachelor's thesis is primarily practical. The theoretical section explains why the application is necessary and the technologies used to create the system. The process and development of the application will be described further, and the basic operating principles and architectural choices will be outlined. The theoretical part also analyzes the export and import of the two learning environment tests and explains the possibilities for further application development.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Jaak Vilo
Defence year