VeeRa Users’ Standpoints Towards Cloud-based Software and Security Issues

Alvar Anvelt
Today, many organizations use cloud-based software to facilitate budgeting. This solution makes it possible to work more flexible and continuous backup eliminates data loss. At the same time, it has been found that cloud-based solutions can lead to problems, as there are too few tools to prevent security vulnerabilities. The aim of this research is to find the standpoints of VeeRa users to the cloud-based solution of the software and to identify possible problems associated with it. To achieve this, a questionnaire was carried out among users. It turned out that respondents attach importance to a cloud-based solution, because data is constantly available and there is a greater choice in terms of their working time and place. Although VeeRa users are generally aware of the security risks associated with a cloud-based solution, they still value the software as secure. The main problem identified was a rare collapse as a result of high software overload.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Kertu Lääts, Heili Orav
Defence year