Obstacles of Implementing Personalized State in Estonia

Kaili Tamm
Estonia’s Digital Agenda until 2030 describes Estonia's next leap towards a digital society, where public services are based on life events, are proactive and human-centered, and are initiated by artificial intelligence. The development of digital services must be based on social and technological trends, as well as changed expectations and needs of society. According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications' vision of a personalized state, the next stage of e-government combines new challenges and opportunities into a comprehensive personalized state. A personalized state means redesigning services so that the complexity of public services remains hidden from their consumers – the citizens. The goal of the master's thesis was to identify what prevents the realization of a personalized state in Estonia and to develop proposals to remove these obstacles. To analyze the assessments of sector experts on the development directions of public services and potential obstacles in Estonia, 16 semi-structured expert interviews were conducted. Based on the theoretical framework and research results presented in the master's thesis, the author compiled recommendations on how to facilitate the realization of a personalized state.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Conversion Master in IT
Kuldar Taveter
Defence year