Creating an e-Commerce Store to Sell AI-generated Digital Images

Tauri Juudas
Nowadays, topics related to artificial intelligence are getting more and more attention, and a large part of this involves image synthesis. In addition to the increasingly widespread and rapidly growing use of the internet and mobile devices, the trend of making purchases in e-stores is increasing. The aim of this work is to create a full-stack e-store solution to sell images generated by artificial intelligence and to investigate how image synthesis works and what psychological factors guide customers to make purchases. Modern and popular technologies used in the creation of the e-shop are also discussed, providing a general overview of their working principles and history. As a result of this bachelor’s thesis, a fully functional and scalable e-shop was completed, fulfilling all requirements, and applying modern technologies and psychological aspects that guide customers to purchase.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Jaan Janno
Defence year