Analysis of Old Software and Creation of Video Materials for the Computer Museum at the University of Tartu

Laura Koobas
The goal of this paper is to enhance the educational value of the computer museum at the University of Tartu. This is accomplished by creating materials pertaining to the history and evolution of computer software, to accompany the already existing exposition on the history and evolution of computer hardware. This paper gives an overview of the computer museum at the University of Tartu, the inclusion of software in the museum so far, and software licensing. The background of the software used for emulation and virtualisation in the paper is introduced and the usage of the software itself is analyzed. Afterwards, an overview of the operating systems covered in the materials is given, briefly explaining the role of each operating system in the evolution of software. The created materials are introduced in more detail at the end of the paper, along with an analysis of the procedure. The created materials consist of 29 screen recordings of different operating systems or operating system versions, screenshots, short descriptions of covered operating systems and a table that summarizes the descriptions.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Alo Peets
Defence year