Updating the Materials of General Interest for the MOOC "About Programming"

Karolina Samasev
The University of Tartu's online course "About programming" is popular among those who have no prior experience with programming. Since 2014, most of the course materials have not been updated according to the ever-changing nature of the IT field, therefore updating these materials would be necessary. As part of the bachelor's thesis, materials of general interest for eight topics were created along with test questions, which were used to check the understanding of the material. The creation of the materials was based on the ADDIE model, the first stage of which was an analysis of the existing materials. In the second stage, which was planning, the structure of the materials and the topics covered were determined, and in the third stage, the materials and test questions were created based on them. In the last stage, feedback was collected from the learners to assess their satisfaction with the materials of general interest and to investigate how interesting these materials were considered. The feedback survey revealed that the prepared materials met expectations and the learners were satisfied with them.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Marina Lepp
Defence year