Analysis of the Course „Databases“ Projects

Martin Vendelin
This bachelor’s thesis analyzed the projects made by the participants of the course LTAT.03.004 „Databases“ at the University of Tartu. The purpose of the study was to find out the reasons for the topic selection of the projects created by the course participants and to evaluate the difference between individual and group student projects. During the study, it was found that students primarily linked their projects either to their interests or hobbies, with the rationale being the desire to choose a simple topic for the database. Analyzing the results and complexity of individually and group-created projects revealed that projects conducted in groups of three were somewhat more complex than the others. Additionally, the correlation between the final score of the project and the practical part of the exam and the theoretical part of the exam was also only present in the three-member group.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Piret Luik
Defence year