Creating Java Study Materials for Secondary School Level

Stina-Marie Maripuu
Java is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Compared to study materials in English, the amount of Java study materials in Estonian is almost non-existent. As a part of this thesis, study materials in E-koolikott were created, named “Java Programming Language Study Materials for beginners”. The materials give an overview of Java language and basic programming skills such as variables, data types, conditional statements, and loops. In addition to the E-koolikott materials, a GitHub repository was created to store course base files, which include sample codes and exercises. The creation of the materials was based on the Dick and Carey design model. The created materials were tested with 24 students. The general feedback for the materials was positive. Based on the students’ feedback, improvements were made to the materials, and future improvements were proposed.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Bachelor - Computer Science
Kristi Salum
Defence year