UE5 Flair's Integration – UI, Shaders, and Image Algorithms for NPR

Alicia Sudlerd
This thesis presents an initial implementation and setup of the Flair plugin for Unreal Engine 5, aiming to bring the same easy-to-use features from Autodesk Maya. This work is made for 3D artists and Unreal Engine Developers, helping them use the plugin smoothly and effectively across both major digital graphics tools. The scope covers porting key features including Style Presets and Material Presets, along with their sub-modules, meticulously adapted to align with the architecture and functional paradigm of Unreal Engine 5. The initial version of the plugin is dedicated to a usability studying with the target groups - Unreal Engine developers and 3D art-ists. The findings from this research not only highlight the intuitive of the implemented features but also reveal areas for improvement. This work establishes the first step towards building a tool to support creative workflows across 3D digital art and game development fields.
Graduation Thesis language
Graduation Thesis type
Master - Computer Science
Ulrich Norbisrath, Santiago Montesdeoca
Defence year
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